
Business need

Client wanted to start a fashion and apparels online business and wanted to have native mobile applications developed for their users.


It is an enterprenuership

Our client would like to create a business ecosystem and aggregation of many business and stores in an eco system and provide interaction, business enquiries and business for them through an application.


  • Building an uniform application which can represent services and business request of business owners.
  • Managing communication between users and business owners.
  • Authentication of business offers and business owners info.
  • Creating a revenue channel for them.


  • We have a created a mobile application and web application with admin panel
  • Built an individual web interface business owners registration enquiries and authentication and creating their profiles
  • Authentication of business offers and business owners info
  • Created an advanced chatting platform which can send multiple business enquiries to one business owners
  • Created a premium adverting space to romote business on demand basis


  • Many businesses got continuous businesses and orders.
  • Many users found many offers and best info for their daily needs.
  • Connected businesses and users in transperant way.
  • Our client got huge success and revenue from business adds.

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